What is Kutaj (Indrajo) and its benefits? इंद्र जौ क्या है व इन्द्रजौ के फायदे .

 Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) is a medicinal plant commonly used in Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine in India. It is also known as Kurchi, Vatsaka, and Connessi Bark. The plant is native to India, and its bark is used to treat various health conditions.

Kutaj bark contains several bioactive compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins, which are responsible for its therapeutic properties. It is commonly used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Kutaj is also used to treat fever, cough, asthma, and skin diseases.

The bark of the Kutaj plant is usually dried and made into a powder, which can be consumed orally in the form of capsules or mixed with water to make a decoction. Kutaj is considered safe when taken in recommended doses, but it can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort in some people. As with any herbal medicine, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using Kutaj for medicinal purposes.

Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) is a medicinal plant commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various health conditions. Some of the benefits of Kutaj include:

  1. Treats Diarrhea and Dysentery: Kutaj is a natural remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. Its bark contains several bioactive compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the gut and prevent infection. Kutaj also has antibacterial properties that can help fight off the harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea and dysentery.

  2. Improves Digestion: Kutaj can help improve digestion and alleviate digestive disorders such as bloating, gas, and constipation. Its bioactive compounds can help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, which aids in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients.

  3. Reduces Fever: Kutaj has antipyretic properties that help to reduce fever. Its bark contains alkaloids that can help regulate body temperature and reduce fever.

  4. Relieves Skin Disorders: Kutaj is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat various skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Its bark contains bioactive compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help alleviate skin inflammation and infection.

  5. Manages Respiratory Disorders: Kutaj is also used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. Its bark has expectorant properties that can help relieve cough and expel phlegm from the respiratory tract.

  6. Indra jau helps to get rid of pathri. Indra jau (Kujaj) is considered beneficial for those who have stone problems. You can get rid of the problem of stones with the powder of Indra kajaj bark. For this you have to take bark of Indra jau and grind it to make powder, now take it with milk or you can take it with rice water also.Grind 5 grams bark of kutaj (kurchi) root in curd. By consuming it twice a day, the stone breaks down and comes out. By using Kutaj (inderjo uses) it is easy to remove the stone.

  7. Treatment of diabetes (Sugar,diabetes): Essential ingredients for making ancient Ayurvedic medicine for sugar or diabetes: * Indrajo bitter or Indrajo talkh (seeds): 250 grams , Bitter almonds (long) : 250 grams ,Roasted gram: 250 grams. Making a mixture of medicines for sugar (Diabetes): Make separate powders of all the three medicines and mix all three and keep them in a glass jar and eat one tea spoon only once a day after eating by water.

It's important to note that Kutaj should be taken under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner, as it can cause side effects in some individuals. Additionally, Kutaj should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment.

अनेक भाषाओं में कुटज के नाम (Name of Kutaj in Different Languages)

Kutaj in:-

  • Hindi (holarrhena antidysenterica hindi name) – करची, दूधी, इन्द्रजव, कड़वा इन्द्रजव
  • English – कुरची (Kurchi) कोनेस्स ट्री (Coness tree) टेलीचैरी ट्री
  • Sanskrit – कुटज, इन्द्रयव, कलिंग, लिङ्गका, भद्रयव, शक्र, वत्सक, गिरिमल्लिका, इन्द्रवृक्ष
  • Assamese – डूडखुरी (Dudkhuri)
  • Oriya –  खेर्वा (Kherwa), वनतिक्त (Vantikta)
  • Konkani – पाला (Pala), कोडासिगे (Kodasige)
  • Kannad – बेप्पाले (Beppale)
  • Gujrati – इन्दर जव (Indar java), इन्द्रजवानु (Indrajavanu)
  • Tamil – कुडगप्पलई (Kudagappalai), वेप्पलई (Veppalai);
  • Telugu – कोडिसेपल (Kodisepala), कोडगा (Kodaga)
  • Bengali – तीताइन्द्रजो (Titaindarajau), कुरची (Kurchi)
  • Nepali – करिन्गी (Karingi), खीर्रा (Khirra), कुरा (Kura)
  • Punjabi – कोगर (Kogar), कोरवा (Korwa)
  • Malyalam – कोटकाप्पला (Kotakappla), वेनपला (Venpala)
  • Marathi – कोडगा (Kodaga), कुड्याचे बी (Kudyache bee)
  • Arabic – तीवाजे हिन्दी (Tivaje hindi), लसनुल-आसाफीरूल-मर्र (Lasanul-aasafirul-murr)
  • Persian – दरख्त जवान (Drakth jawan), इन्द्र-जावे-तल्ख (Indra-jave-talkh), जबाने-कफन्जाशके-तल्ख (Zabane-kunjashke-talkh)

Shwet Kutaj in:-

  • Hindi –  दुधी, मीठा इन्द्रजौ
  • English –  स्वीट इन्द्रजौ (Sweet indrajao)
  • Sanskrit –  अशित कुटज, श्वेत कुटज
  • Oriya –   दुधोकर्या (Dudhokrya), कर्या (Krya)
  • Urdu –  इन्द्रजौ-शिरीन् (Indarjao-shirin)
  • Konkani –  कलोकुड्डो (Kalokuddo)
  • Kannad –  बेपाल्ली (Bepalli), कोडामुरकी (Kodamurki)
  • Gujarati –  दुधलो (Dudhlo)
  • Tamil –  थोन्थापलाई (Thonthapalai)
  • Telugu –  तेड्लापल (Tedlapala)
  • Bengali –  इन्द्रजौ (Indrajau);
  • Malyalam –  दंतप्पला (Dantappala), अयापला (Ayapala)
  • Marathi –  गोजेनज्रव (Gojaindrajav)
  • Arabic –   लासनुल-आसाफिर (Lasanul-aasafir)
  • Persian – अहर (Ahar), अहारे-शिरीन (Ahare-shirin)

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